
陳冠希( edison chen ) Transition專輯



雜誌裡的照片 看起來有點得意
電視上又出現 你以為我很帥氣
你也許羨慕我 其實我也有問題
跟你一樣 需要關心
如果單看外表 就能判斷一個人
那你我之間 也不必太認真
既然你能一看就瞭解我 何必要多問

看著我 看著我 你能看到什麼東西
難道你 看著我 就能知道我心理
想什麼 要什麼 怎麼你還不會分析
報紙裡 說什麼 你也輕易去相信

JIN You been livin'up yo life loco summer takin'on a bigger than
eminem kinda jigga EC I got cha back go ! Go! forget the hoes
the joes and the the woes that got you tagged on the gag Go! Go!
gotta stay in the game to remain at the head of the pack mo mo
cash hoes pickin'up the cash like a string on a banjo EC Think I
wanna chill wid it BIG JIN ? make a bang let the cash flow come
in ?
tale it high on the fly wid a full spin ? cut the crap from the
gab just
cash in ? I been taken on a ride on my pride just to be on the
tele taken
all of my mental jelly all I need is a full spin recharge then
I'm a close
in I'm human after all !